3 Dog Creative

Identity / Small Business

3 Dog Creative Identity


3 Dog Creative is a virtual agency, made up of senior-level creative talent, that services a wide range of clientele.

Logo Design

When it came to creating a logo redesign for 3 Dog Design, the expectations were high because this was a logo for another fellow designer. One of the difficulties was incorporating three dogs, or elements relatable to a dog, in the logo. Concept after concept was developed, but everything fell flat, so a different approach was taken.

I happened to think of using circles to create the outline of a dog shape, so I began layering multiple circles, shrinking and enlarging their size as needed. What happened next was that a shape started taking form, from which I then drew the outline of the dog. Still wanting to reference the idea of three in the name, I decided on replicating the tail three times. This had also the intended feeling of movement, which helped make it all the more interesting. A simple color palette, and just a highlight of blue turned what started as a difficult project into a nicely redesigned logo.